“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
Uninformed ideas produce uninspired results. So, Illig does the due diligent diagnostics and discovery required to point the way. Once directionally aligned, we then prescribe audience-tailored storylines and experiences to deliver on desired outcomes.
“People do not buy goods and service. They buy relations, stories and magic.”
Connection. It’s what drives the human spirit. And therefore the currency of commerce, influence, and brand advocacy. Illig designs engaging people-centric creative strategies that connect you and your brand to your ideal audiences — you know, people.
““Design is the silent ambassador to your brand.””
A pleasant interruption is always welcome. In a world of infinite choice and, ‘Now I’ve seen everything,’ make ‘em think about it. Make ‘em wanna learn about it, laugh about it, cry about it, talk about it. But never make ‘em yawn about it.
Client highlights, testimonials, quotes, metrics, and results — driven by design. Think about it. (4:51)
““Always be true. Never be boring.””
Data. It’s a tool, not a solution. Data points tell us people are migrating out of a neighborhood, but neighbors give us insights as to why. Illig leverages insights to create meaningful storylines and interesting experiences that resonate with your ideal audience profiles.
““A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.””
So the thing is, we live in a socially charged world. An interconnected world of organic consumer journeys, choice, and means of content consumption. Illig ignites this unpredictable known with integrated marketing touch-points designed to work in flux, and in harmony with fickle audience behaviors.